The Fabric Workshop and Museum (FWM) presents new work by Cuban born, Artist-in-Residence Abelardo Morell who lives and works in Brookline, Massachusetts. Morell is internationally known for imbuing a sense of wonder into his photographs of everyday objects, such as his well-known camera obscura series. For his Pictures in Three Museums exhibition, Morell created a new body of work by photographing artworks from the collections of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA), the Pennsylvania Academy of The Fine Arts (PAFA), and The Barnes Foundation, and transforming these objects through their juxtaposition. Public opening reception Friday, May 2, 2014 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Members-only artist talk by Abelardo Morell at 5:30pm at FWM, 1214 Arch Street, Second Floor.
Pictures in Three Museums
I like making pictures in museums because of the way gallery spaces
can “play with” the content of the pictures hanging in them.In this project I photographed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the
Pennsylvania Academy of The Fine Arts, and The Barnes Foundation.
In several of these works I combined and altered art and rooms from
some or all of the institutions to make a kind of art mash-up creating
new and impossible museum installations, art, and architecture.Two Views of Philadelphia
This pair of camera obscura images are a breakthrough for me.
They represent my first attempts to picture day and night views
from the same viewpoint.—Abelardo Morell